
Stay tuned! Secure 2.0 Act of 2022 includes some action items that may produce beneficial changes in the future.


Within 18 months:

  • Effectiveness of notice provided for eligible rollover distributions: A 402(f) notice, often referred to as a Special Tax Notice, must be provided to the recipient of a distribution that is eligible for rollover. The notice must contain required language regarding rollover options and the tax implications that may apply. The Government Accountability Office must issue a report to Congress on the effectiveness of these notices.

No later than two (2) years after the date of enactment:

  • Retirement Savings Lost and Found: A national online database will be created to help connect former participants who are trying to reach a prior employer with Plan Sponsors who are trying to reach them regarding a remaining account balance.
  • Consolidation of defined contribution plan notices: Regulations are to be amended so that the individual notices currently provided to participants by the plan can be consolidated.

Within five (5) years:

  • Report on pooled employer plans: The Department of Labor (DOL) Secretary must conduct a study on the new and growing pooled employer plan industry and issue a report within five years. Subsequent reports will be completed every five years after.

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